Mitie expands battery energy storage and electrical engineering capabilities with addition of former G2 energy team, learn more here

Net zero by 2050 -
Build Back Greener

In June 2019, the UK parliament passed legislation that requires the government to reduce the UK’s net emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) by 100% relative to 1990 levels by 2050 – thereby making the UK a ‘net zero’ emitter.
Alongside initiatives within the transportation sector, one of the main focuses to achieve this goal is to decarbonise the UK’s energy generation, by decommissioning all coal and gas fired (CCGT) electricity generation plants.

Today, mid September 2022, around 60% -70% of the UKs electrical energy is being generated by wind and solar, with coal powered generation plants producing minimal energy and just held on emergency standby.

significant growth

Due to recent events in eastern Europe, the UK government also wishes to reduce its reliance on imported gas from this region, that is currently used for electrical energy generation. Therefore, we are seeing significant growth in embedded wind and solar energy generation projects throughout the UK.

of (medium) wind turbines and solar PV projects to the grid between 2012 and 2016.
Renewable energy embedded generation is a very important part of the UK’s energy mix and this, alongside battery storage, will continue to grow and G2 Energy are here to help deliver your project and connect it to the grid.

If you are considering a High Voltage Embedded Generation project, G2 Energy can help, our highly experienced engineers can assist with the following areas;

  • DNO grid connections up to 132kV & National Grid connections up to 400kV
  • Electrical balance of plant
  • Electrical design, supply and installation, including switchgear, cable infrastructure, and Earthing systems
  • Civil design and construction works, including client side substation works up to 132kV
  • Long term Operations and Maintenance contracts
  • Containerised Substations, which are designed and built in our own Milton Keynes Warehouse
  • Experienced, ex-DNO employed Design Engineers, Project Managers and SAPs